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Official Flower Fairies™️ Daisy Fairy Needle Felt Kit

Official Flower Fairies™️ Daisy Fairy Needle Felt Kit

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Introducing the Official Flower Fairies™️ Flower Fairy Needle Felt Kit by The Makerss. In this exciting partnership, The Makerss create the classic characters from Cicely Mary Barker's much loved poems. 

Created for confident crafters, these kits are built with new techniques to awaken creative flair. Delve into the world of the Flower Fairies™️ today, with the Daisy Fairy. 

Who are The Flower Fairies™️?

Ever since their first release in 1923, the Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker have captivated adults and children alike worldwide.

The detailed, accurate drawings in the 170 original illustrations, along with the charming fairy depictions inspired by real children from Cicely's sister's nursery school, awaken our inner sense of wonder and enchantment.

Each Flower Fairy was originally accompanied by a dedicated poem or verse. These tiny creatures, no more than 20cm tall, reside in the treetops, marshes, forest floors, roadsides, and gardens. Wherever and whenever a seed blooms, a new Flower Fairy is born.

Each Fairy lives and sleeps within their chosen flower, plant, or tree, growing alongside it. It is their responsibility to care for their designated flower or plant, ensuring it receives ample sunshine and water, clearing away dead leaves, and gently polishing flowers and stems.

About the Box Fairy Needle Felting Kit

Skill Level: Confident Crafter

Size in cm: approx. 12cm tall

Techniques used: Using wire and wrapping wool, basic shaping, adding features, mixed media, joining shapes.

This kit contains:

  • Full colour, step-by-step instructions
  • 10 different types of wool
  • #22 white paper covered wire
  • water soluble paper
  • Black glue-in eyes
  • Felting needles (#38 medium, #40 Fine)
  • Small Eco Wool Felting Mat (made from recycled wool and 100% compostable)

You will also need: Clear drying glue, bowl of warm water and towel or tissue, scissors (for cutting felt, water soluble paper, wool and wire—for latter you may prefer wire cutters), soft pencil

Designed and packaged in the UK using ethically sourced and eco-friendly materials. Please reuse, recycle, and/or compost packaging & tools.

Other products you may be interested in:

Warning! Contains very sharp needles. Not a toy!

Click HERE to see more of our needle felt kits and packs. 

Official Flower Fairies Daisy Fairy Poem

The Daisy Fairy

Come to me and play with me,
I’m the babies’ flower;
Make a necklace gay with me,
Spend the whole long day with me,
Till the sunset hour.

I must say Good-night, you know,
Till tomorrow’s playtime;
Close my petals tight, you know,
Shut the red and white, you know,
Sleeping till the daytime.

Flower Fairies Logo

FLOWER FAIRIES™ Copyright © The Estate of Cicely Mary Barker, 2023 Licensed by Frederick Warne & Co. 


The Character that you create from this kit should not be offered for commercial sale at any time or used in any other way commercially ( including in charity sales ). The patterns and instructions provided are intended for use with this kit  only and should not be reproduced or re-used in any form beyond this kit and its associated contents.

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