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Silk Clay - 40g for beaks, claws, noses etc - various colours

Silk Clay - 40g for beaks, claws, noses etc - various colours

Regular price £5.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £5.00 GBP
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Silk Clay 40g in a choice of four colours: White, Pink, Brown and Black.

  • Air drying and extremely light weight
  • Flexible, rubber-like texture
  • Dries in 2-24 hours
  • Comes in various colours
  • You can paint it, or colour it with sharpies, food dyes etc. 

Watch our tutorial to give you ideas how to make noses, beaks, claws, teeth, horns, ears... you can even make a needle handle from it:

Make ears and feet for our life size guinea pig

Make claws for our koala bear

You may also like our instructions on how to make dogs noses, claws, ears etc 

How to use the silk clay:  The clay is air drying which means you will have to seal the tub once opened with extra air tight materials (plastic bag or cling film before adding the lid for example). We suggest you add a drop of water (literally) into the tub to keep it moist. If the clay has become dry you can add water to make it supple again. The clay reacts a little like dough. If you make it too wet you have to keep kneading it until the excess water has been absorbed or evaporated. It may be a messy affair but just keep at it and the clay will become one mass again. Shape the clay as you would with normal clay, make your fingers wet to smooth out the surface. Leave to dry in the air (you can put it near a radiator to speed up the drying process). The clay remains a little 'bouncy' but it will not change its shape once fully dried. You can colour in the clay before modelling by adding dyes or even just use a sharpie or paint it once dry. Allow for a little shrinkage.

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